Microsoft Office
Because of an illness of a family member, I opted to be an online tutor for mainly secondary school students and first-year university students in Math, English, and Slovene. I developed personalized learning strategies to improve student performance.
In the summer of 2020, I worked as a student employee at the shoe retailer PitaRosso, where I was assigned several different tasks:
Worked for almost 3 years as a student employee in a bakery shop, performing the following tasks:
Microsoft Office
Google Drive
Social Media
Remote working tools (Slack, Teams, Zoom, Meet, Discord)
In my final year of studies, I had the opportunity to complete a thesis project for the Belgian startup Novable, where I explored how they could achieve a better product-market fit for corporate venture capitalists.
10/2022 ] Brussels
Museum Night Fever 2022
Just as the year before, I volunteered at the MIMA Museum performing similar tasks.
[ 10/2021 ] Brussels
Museum Night Fever 2021
During this annual event, many museums in Brussels open their doors to visitors at night and also organize interesting activities
for them. I volunteered at the MIMA Museum, my tasks included helping prepare the museum spaces for the event, preparing the
favor bags, and providing guidance to the visitors.
[ 07/2021 – 08/2021 ] Rruga Sheshi i Lidhjes, 2000 Prizren, Kosovo
Volunteer at Kosovo Democratic Institute
In the summer of 2021, I volunteered at Kosovo's Democratic Institute. KDI is an organization that promotes transparency in the
country's political sphere. They are located in the capital of Pristina with the exception of their Financial and Administrative
Department which is located in Prizren. That is where I provided support to the staff by helping them out in their daily tasks and
performing some light administrative work;